


加州大学欧文分校属于加州大学系统(University of California, Irvine,简称UCI)综合实力最为强劲的分校之一,世界著名高等学府和世界顶尖的公立研究型大学,是美国大学协会、环太平洋大学联盟、国际公立大学论坛、“公立常春藤”盟校成员。学校设有医学院、药学与制药科学学院、生物科学学院、社会科学学院等。2024US.News 美国高校排名中位列第33名。



Experience University Research (EUR)  courses allow students from around the world to take college-level coursework at a Top 10 public university. Students will participate in project-based learning to build practical skills, gain invaluable experience, and become better prepared to attend a competitive university.  EUR is also a great way for students to enhance their college applications and obtain letters of recommendation from experienced instructors and industry professionals.


 Course content and schedules are subject to change at the University’s discretion. All courses taught in English and open to international and domestic students.   Courses with less than 15 students enrolled may be cancelled. Courses are graded on an A-F scale (letter grades).

 UCI可能根据实际情况酌情决定更改课程内容及时间。 所有课程均为英语授课,面向国际和国内学生开放招生。  报名人数少于15人的课程可能会被取消。课程按照A-F等级(字母等级)进行评分。



  • Enhance your resume or university applications by taking undergraduate-level courses taught by UCI faculty or field experts.参加由UCI教师或领域专家教授的本科课程增强简历或大学申请竞争力

  • Get involved with project-based learning in some of UCI’s strongest fields of study:参与 UCI一些最强研究领域项目学习

  • Develop academic research, critical thinking, writing, and presentation skills. 培养学术研究、批判性思维、写作和演讲技能

  • Learn about UCI and how to enhance your academic and professional career. 了解 UCI以及如何提高学术和职业生涯


Winter 2024



January 22 – February 16



Academic Speaking & Writing (4units/40 hours)


a.Portfolio Management and Financial Modeling 

投资组合管理和财务建模(2 units/20 hours)

b.Leadership & Program Management

运营管理领导力培训2 units/20 hours)

  1. Apllication Feee $200(non-refundable


  1. Tuition$2,400


  1. Student Services Fee $160


  1. Health Insurance $200*


  1. Airport Pick up Fee $75 each way*



Not included: Meals, homestay, airport pickup, weekend activities



*Winter EUR students need to stay in homestay as UCI dorms are not available in winter.


*Schedules,topics and instructors may be adjusted depends on fact.


*Weekend activities fee are not included in the above fee.



All courses are open to students ages 18 and older


A minimum iBT TOEFL score of 60 or equivalent is required to enroll in the program.





  1. 校内系统报名:请登录我校外事管理系统http://ws.cpu.edu.cn/index,提交报名申请并上传《中国药科大学学生出国境交流学习协议》(国际交流合作处官网-学生出国-表格下载)等材料 ;

  2. UCI报名:直接向UCI蔡老师报名


国际交流合作处王老师83271516  wrs@cpu.edu.cn

加州大学欧文分校项目负责人 蔡老师 微信:247895687


Required Course: Academic Speaking & Writing学术口语与写作 (4 units/ 40 hours)

Description: This course will provide students with key academic speaking and writing skills to successfully navigate the demands of university study. In this course, students will practice their listening and speaking skills through guided instruction and have the opportunity to apply their knowledge in persuasive arguments and presentations that they can expect to encounter in an academic environment. Students will also enhance their writing skills and learn how to maintain an appropriate tone and style for writing politely, professionally, and according to academic conventions. Students will learn effective strategies to self-edit and will gain confidence in their ability to compose effective graduate-level papers.

Recommended for: Students interested in pursuing a degree in the U.S. who do not yet meet undergraduate English proficiency requirements .有兴趣在美国攻读学位但尚未达到本科英语水平要求的学生
Prerequisites: None
Instructor: Linda Gruen, Ph.D.
Schedule: M, T, W, Th, F; daily meetings will be held sometime 08:00 – 18:00星期一至星期五08:00 – 18:00

Elective Option 1: Portfolio Management and Financial Modeling投资组合管理和财务建模(2 units / 20 hours)

Description: This course applies portfolio theory to new financial products and strategies while providing introductions to investment policies and asset allocation decision making. Students will learn how to balance risk against performance of investments within a portfolio context while modeling real world data in both international and domestic markets.

Recommended for:  Students interested in pursuing a degree or career in finance有兴趣攻读金融学位或从事金融工作的学生
Prerequisites: None
Instructor: Jason Gurtovoy, Ph.D.
Schedule: TBD – classes will be held sometime M-F, 09:00 – 18:00待定-星期一至星期五 09:00 – 18:00

Elective Option 2: Leadership & Project Management运营管理领导力培训(2 units / 20 hours)

Description: Leading successful teams is a goal that every project leader can attain by understanding team dynamics, leadership styles, organizational culture, and psychological needs. This course will provide a holistic view of team building and introduce the foundation of behaviors and skills needed to deliver efficacious happy high-performance teamwork.领导 成功的团队 是每个项目领导者通过了解团队动态、领导风格、组织文化和心理需求来实现的目标。本课程将介绍团队建设的整体观点,并介绍有效、快乐、高效的团队合作所需的行为和技能基础知识
Recommended for:  Students interested improving critical thinking and analytical skills有兴趣提高批判性思维和分析能力的学生
Prerequisites: none
Instructor: Karen Nguyen, M.S.
Schedule:  TBD – classes will be held sometime M-F, 09:00 – 18:00待定-星期一至星期五 09:00 – 18:00

Instructor Biographies讲师介绍

Linda Gruen, Ph.D.

Linda Gruen, Ph.D., has thirty years of teaching experience in public education. Her areas of teaching expertise are second language pedagogies and English composition. She has taught academic writing at UC Irvine and Loyola Marymount University.

Linda Gruen博士,在公共教育领域有30年的教学经验。她的教学专长是第二语言教学和英语写作。她曾在加州大学欧文分校和洛约拉玛丽蒙特大学教授学术写作。


Jason Gurtovoy, Ph.D. 

Jason Gurtovoy is a Senior Economist and Data Scientist at REPSAS. He has worked in the Financial Services industry for over a decade in banking, investments, real estate, and as a consultant. He has 10+ years of experience teaching graduate and undergraduate courses in finance, economics, and data science. He has taught at UCI since 2017. 

Jason GurtovoyREPSAS的高级经济学家和数据科学家。他在金融服务行业工作了十多年,业务涉及银行、投资、房地产,并担任顾问。他在金融、经济学和数据科学方面有10多年的研究生和本科生教学经验。自2017年以来,他一直在UCI任教。

Karen Nguyen, M.S.

 Karen Nguyen, M.S., PMP, CSM has extensive experience in practicing and teaching project management framework, principles, and theories. Her passion is to deliver value and equip students with a distinctive blend of program management along with leadership skills for real-world experience and application. Karen is a recipient of the UCI Division of Continuing Education Alumni of the Year award, SoCal Most Powerful & Influential Woman of Diversity, and Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society for academic excellence. To help inspire others to achieve their success, Karen also does motivational speaking for organizations and charity events across the U.S.

 Karen Nguyen, M.S, PMP, CSM,在实践和教授项目管理框架,原则和理论方面有丰富的经验。她热衷于为学生提供价值,让学生具备独特的项目管理和领导技能,以获得实际经验和应用。KarenUCI继续教育部年度校友奖的获得者,南加州大学最具影响力和多样性的女性,以及Phi Kappa Phi荣誉学会的学术卓越获得者。为了帮助激励他人取得成功,Karen还为美国各地的组织和慈善活动做励志演讲。