






1. Health monitoring and personal protection

During the epidemic prevention and control period, the University implements the body temperature monitoring system for all students. Students entering the dormitory building must take body temperature by the dormitory administrator, and only those with normal temperature can enter the dormitory building. Students who have symptoms of acute respiratory infections, including coughing, dyspnea or diarrhea, especially body temperature ≥ 37.3 , should immediately report to the class mentor by him/herself or to the dormitory administrator, and follow the University’s emergency procedures.

International students are kindly advised to prepare necessary personal protective equipment in advance for their daily life and study, including disposable medical masks or surgical masks, disposable gloves, disinfected alcohol cotton pads or hand-washing disinfectants, and etc.



2. Daily health report

During the epidemic prevention and control period, the School of International Education continues to collect health information via WeChat and online questionnaire. All on-campus international students must take their own body temperature twice a day and report their temperature to class representative every day, before 9:00 AM and 2:00 PM, and the class representative submits the form to the class mentor. See details in Appendix 1. Students shall not report late, omit, conceal, or misrepresent the epidemic information, and shall not disturb the normal education, teaching and life order. The University will seriously deal with violations of regulations. Students who violate Chinese laws or constitute crimes will be referred to the police.



3. Campus management

During the epidemic prevention and control period, the campus implements strict exit-and-entry rules. Students are kindly advised not to gather to eat, drink, or have group activities, or go to crowded public places. Students are encouraged to develop healthy living and good hygiene habits. Students MUST wear masks wherever indoors (such as classroom, lab, library, canteen, supermarket, etc.), and outdoors (especially during sports activity).



4. Daily management

During the epidemic prevention and control period, the School of International Education will further tighten up our daily management. All students are advised not to exit campus unless necessary. If it is really necessary, student must submit the Application Form for the Campus Entry and Exit of International Students (see appendix 2) to the class mentor before 12AM (lunchtime) one day in advance and can only go out with approval. Student should be aware of protection manners and wear mask AT ALL TIMES when out of campus, and avoid close contact with people. Inform the class mentor in no time after returning to campus, and the class mentor should keep a record of the time.



5. Campus group activities

The University will suspend the organization of group activities and encourage various forms of online education or online display and exchange activities.



6. Health and physical activity

Students should pay attention to personal hygiene and dormitory hygiene, wash hands, change clothes and beddings more frequently, clean and ventilate the bedroom, maintain physical exercise every day to enhance physical fitness. For outdoor sports, choose large spaces with relatively sparse personnel, such as sports fields, etc.; do not touch or play with the animals encountered. Students with chronic health conditions should try to avoid strenuous exercise.



7. Dining in the cafeteria

During the epidemic prevention and control period, all students on campus should go to designated canteen by different schools. All international students who wish to dine in the university cafeteria must wear masks and go to Canteen #1, 2nd Floor (The Ethic Minority counter). Do not go to other canteens or other floors. It is encouraged to pack up food and take away. If you have to eat in the canteen, sit alone and everyone face the same direction. International students planning to eat in the cafeteria need to inform the class mentor one day in advance, and the School of International Education will report the number to the cafeteria.



8. Dormitory management

Students must register with real name and take temperature when entering the dormitory gate. The dormitories deny access of all kinds of visitors. International students must strictly abide by the Administrative Regulations on Dormitory of International Students of China Pharmaceutical University (Trial). During the epidemic period, students must not gather in the dormitory area or visit other dormitories, and must not make noises and disturb the neighborhood.



9. Mental health support for epidemic prevention and control

When students have emotional reactions such as insomnia, anxiety, nervousness, fear, and low mood due to the epidemic situation, it is recommended to seek psychological support with professionals. Students may contact the school psychological counseling center through class mentor, or call the Jiangsu province epidemic prevention and control psychological support hotline 025-86868449, or Nanjing Medical University Affiliated Brain Hospital crisis intervention hotline 025-83712977.



Morning and noon self-inspection regulations for on-campus international students during the epidemic control


Application Form for the Campus Entry and Exit of International Students


School of International Education